Questions in which Geraedts Business Experts can advise!
Regularly, a variety of questions that are easier placed than answered come up within an organization; questions related to the unusual course of business or questions over exceeding the current horizon. In such occasions it is useful to be able to exchange ideas with someone from outside with a broader knowledge of the market and that comes in with a fresh look at your organization.
Advisors get things done quicker and often cheaper because they are in a position to work more efficiently: they have no other obligations such as appointments or meetings, they are not distracted by the hassles of the daily job and you as a customer do not have to take them in on permanent employment.
It is common knowledge that the larger the organizations are the more complex they internally are and the higher their internal transaction costs are, so the sooner it pays off to use external consultants.
Yet, it is also useful for smaller organizations to make use of external consultants, especially in relation to their productivity and knowledge it is very beneficial for these organizations too; not only cost wise but also in limitation of disruptions in the day to day business.
Market Research
A market survey is labor intensive and time consuming, both because it is not an everyday activity and because often there is detailed information required and looked at from different angles to come to a thorough answer.
Geraedts Business Experts provides answers to these questions based on years of experience and general knowledge of the market and by the continuous u0027sparringu0027 with its transport network. To do so it is essential for us to learn from you what you intend to achieve with the results and which of your needs and demands should be taken into account. It is clear that a market research needs such a customized approach that the outcome exclusively applies to your company and therefore cannot be used for other companies.
Geraedts Business Experts guarantees neutral, broad-based and solid market research which are initiated from your interests and concerns.
Business Succession
• How do I prepare for the next generation to lead my company?
• Where is the strength of my successor (s) and where not?
• How can I share my knowledge in a constructive way with my successors?
These are just some of the many questions you will ask yourself as owner when it comes to introducing the next generation in the family business. After all, transferring a family business to the next generation is one of the most risky activities when it comes to ensuring continuity of a company. This is not only a consequence of the required knowledge and skills that must be present but also by familial ties that may hinder the much needed two way and open communication.
Geraedts Business Experts offers you personal support in recognizing the challenges you will encounter on the path from proactive to reactive involvement in your company and hands you tools to come to a successful hand over. We do this by getting clear understanding on you and your successor (s) vision on how to ensure growth and continuity and to challenge that with the skills and ideas of your successor (s). We pay particular attention to the hurdles that must be taken to achieve the desired result, whether it concerns financial, economic, communicative or relational issues.
You are at the start of a new adventure and together we overcome the hurdles that you encounter on your path to the future.
Load and Route Optimization
• Where is the geographical center of gravity in collection and delivery of
your goods?
• In which areas can I as a carrier use additional cargo and where can I
create synergies with other consignors?
• Is it useful to expand or rearrange my activities in a specific region?
Questions whose answers should lead to significant cost savings, without creating additional work.
Obtaining these answers and making subsequent decisions are often based on the analysis of the problem from different starting points. This is not just associated with the capacity to be able to look beyond the current boundaries, it also takes a great deal of time to thoroughly analyze all anglesof incidence. Moreover, it is essential that we have a detailed picture of your products and comprehensive understanding of shipping profiles, volumes, service levels, etc., if we want to achieve an optimal result. As reliability of these data is essential, Geraedts Business Experts has a number of methods that can be used in providing insight into this important information.
Geraedts Business Experts works with specialists who have u0022out-of-the-boxu0022 thinking in their DNA and is therefore able to provide answers in a quick and customer-specific way by running your question over various u0022what ifu0022 scenarios. Thereto you can think of alternative carriers, consolidating shipments, converting existing service levels, re-arrange routes or scenarios that gradually develop into interesting options during the process of analysis.
The conclusions from the various scenarios offer insight into opportunities that lie ahead of you in terms of cost savings. u0022Opportunitiesu0022 we can implement jointly with your people and monitor on the results.