To achieve an optimal result for each procurement service it is essential that we get a detailed picture of your products and comprehensive understanding of shipment profiles, volumes, service levels, etc. Since reliability of this data is crucial, Geraedts Business Experts has a number of methods that can be used to create clear insight in this vital information.
We analyze this information using a variety of features so that we get total clarity on which characteristics are related to your products and how the geographical distribution and volume flows look like.
Then, these findings allow us to gain for you the highest quality and the best commercially available prices from the market to compare with your current situation.
RFI – RFQ - RFP support
• What do we want to tender and what has changed compared to last time?
• Only RFQ or also RFI? RFQ or RFP?
• Which information is essential to share and what do we ask for and in which
lay out to make sure that we receive the most optimal response?
• What do we expect from our providers?
What might be a 1, 2 or 3-yearly returning activity for you that requires a substantial number of days / weeks and sometimes months on top of your daily work, is for Geraedts Business Experts routine whereby integrity and neutrality are key.
Following a strict roadmap, we enter with you the process of tendering whereby the emphasis lies not only on price but also on processes and flexibility that the service provider applies to deliver your products against the most optimal conditions to your customers.
It goes without saying that the ultimate recommendation to you will be based on a like for like comparison and constructed from multiple scenarios. After that you are the one who decides which supplier fits you best over-all.
The following mplementation of the selected service providers within your organization is also part of our roadmap and of which we can take care of if desired and in close consultation with your employees.
Outsourcing or supporting your tender process will result in a high-quality service with substantial savings for you, not just visible in the costs but also in service to your customers.
• Do you know whether the prices you pay your current service provider are
market conform?
• Does your provider delivers a service in line with the prevailing standard in
the market?
• Are your processes accurately, efficiently and accommodated with
appropriate time lines?
Benchmarking is a means to get well-founded answers to such questions.
Thanks to our extensive network and with support of our high quality systems we can identify this for you in a quick and clear way.
Our benchmark activity consists of several steps whereby drafting of a basic principle, the analysis of input and output and an objective final recommendation are the most remarkable ones.
For you regular benchmarking not only means that you keep track of your company’s position in comparison to other organizations but also in which specific areas improvements should be made to ensure that the service to your customers are brought to and maintained on a guaranteed and proven high level.
Benchmarking is also a support for other strategic processes within your organization; think of various planning and budgeting purposes.
Rate negotiations
• A meeting to ‘talk about the rates’; Can I accept an increase and if so, what
is realistic?
• How can I convince the service provider that rates need to be decreased
and how much can I ask for?
• When does the conversation changes from convenient to inconvenient?
Precarious discussions which unwittingly may put the often long and carefully constructed relationships with your service provider under a lot of tension. A relationship that is however crucial and invaluable for everyday communication and handling of your shipments and it is therefore unthinkable that it can be put at risk, not even for one second.
Geraedts Business Experts works with specialists in this field. Experts who can negotiate rates on an objective basis and in close consultation with you, whilst knowing how to ensure the valuable and long-term collaboration.
And you?
√ You get the right price / quality ratio
√ You maintain a neutral position in relation to your service provider
√ You have the reassurance that daily contacts and operational matters are not at any risk.
How do I establish agreements with service providers in a solid way and what do I need to capture and for how long?
Geraedts Business Experts assists you in contracting all the arrangements you make with your service provider and does so by clearly identifying and enumerating all relevant information whereby the legal aspect also plays a major role. We ensure that not only the general terms and conditions are covered, but also specific items such as rates, additional cost components, lead times and service standards are guaranteed.
We take the administrative and legal u0022red tapeu0022 out of your hands by preparing the contracts in such a way that only your signature and that of the service provider is needed to write itt valid.
Ultimately you have a series of transparent and standardized contracts with clear agreements. Especially your employees responsible for the daily affairs will experience a lot of support and ease of this.
Cost Saving Recognition
Are the calculated savings achieved and if not, why is that? These are questions that often go unanswered for various reasons, whereby the u0027issues of the day u0022 frequently reigns.
Geraedts Business Experts can answer these questions for you by effectively analyzing your data based on predetermined parameters. This results for you in a clear and detailed insight into all areas that can impact the achievement of previously calculated savings.
Of course, the best part is when the result shows that the calculated savings are actually achieved. However, experience shows that theory and practice do not always agree and in that case we can offer specific improvement advice and support in its implementation.
After all, clear understanding of cost-increasing factors means a direct focus on problem areas and the ability to effectively and efficiently repulse these costs.
Geraedts Business Experts can execute this activity for you on a weekly or monthly basis whereby we prefer a period of at least 6 months to be able to provide you with stable and reliable analysis and advice.